AWWA ACE94078 The Impact of Catchment Events on Levels of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Raw Waters

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Dawson, D.J.; Furness, M.L.; Maddocks, M.; Roberts, J.; Vidler, J.S.

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A monitoring regime was implemented over a one year period to investigate inputs of cryptosporidium and giardia to the River Severn, England. The sources examined included tributaries and a major sewage works. The goals of the monitoring regime were to identify the sources of the organisms responsible for downstream contamination, to look for temporal or seasonal input trends, and recognize discrete catchment events. Flow data was used to help understand the significance of cryptosporidium and giardia counts. The fact that the survey period shows a decline in the numbers of cryptosporidium oocysts and not in that of giardia cysts probably reflects the different epidemiology of the diseases within the animal and human populations through which they are transmitted. The paper includes figures illustrating giardia and cryptosporidium levels, flow rates of various tributaries and sampling sites.

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