This standard covers post-type, dry-barrel fire hydrants with compression shutoff (opening against or with the pressure) or gate shutoff for use in water supply service in all climates, including those where freezing occurs. This standard does not cover the wet-barrel or flush type of hydrants. The major revisions in this edition of ANSI/AWWA C502 include the following: Edited throughout to conform with the current AWWA recommended format; Added Sec. III Acceptance, and Sec. V Modification to Standard, to the foreword; Added Sec. 1.2 Definitions; Added Sec. 1.8 Permeation; Added Sec. limiting lead content in brass or bronze components to a maximum of 8 percent; Revised Sec. 3.1.1 Working Pressure, changing the design working pressure from "150 psig (1,034 kPa (gauge))" to "minimum working pressure of 150 psig (1,034 kPa (gauge))"; Added Sec. 3.1.2 Material Stress Limits; Added Table 4 Dimensions of Poured Joints (derived from withdrawn standard ANSI/AWWA C108/A21.8-75); and Revised the provisions of Sec. 4.1.2 Castings.