AWWA ACE94165 Use of Constructed Wetlands to Supplement and Protect a North Central Texas Water Supply

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Frossard, Woody; Andrews, Darrel; Mokry, Loretta E.; Mancini, JohnL.; Plummer, Alan H. Jr.

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A constructed wetland was one of three potential treatment alternatives selected for further investigation to remove nutrients and potential toxins from proposed Trinity River diversions to supplement yields of two reservoirs owned and operated by the Tarrant County Water Control Improvement District (District). The pilot-scale constructed wetlands demonstration project has two basic objectives. The determination of operational requirements for use of constructed wetlands as effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) for watershed management will have widespread application to the District's reservoirs and water supply reservoirs in other parts of the country. Also, the project will be used to develop site-specific information to determine effectiveness and operational requirements for use of constructed wetlands as treatment of Trinity River water diverted to the District's water supply reservoirs.

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