AWWA ACE94175 Impact of Ozonation on the Formation of Chlorination and Chloramination By-Products

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Singer, Philip C.; Harrington, Gregory W.; Cowman, Gretchen A. ; Smith, Marla E.; Schechter, Daniel S.; Harrington, Lori J.

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The objective of the project described in this paper was to evaluate the impact of ozonation on the formation of halogenated DBPs from subsequent chlorination and chloramination under various water quality conditions. Studies were performed using raw waters collected from several utilities using ozone in their treatment train, and with model solutions containing hydrophobic organic material extracted from these same source waters. The latter studies were performed in a variety of solution matrices, e.g. different pHs, inorganic and organic carbon concentrations, and bromide ion concentrations, and at a number of ozone doses. The following DBPs were analyzed: trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), haloketones (HKs), chloral hydrate (CH), chloropicrin (CP), and cyanogen chloride (CNCl). This paper focuses on the studies containing the hydrophobic organic extracts. Emphasis is directed not only on the impact of ozone on the formation of halogenated DBPs, but also on how that impact is related to characteristics of the organic material. The studies reported herein were part of a larger two-year research project sponsored by the American Water Works Association Research Foundation.

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