AWWA ACE94183 The Use of RSSCTS to Predict GAC Field-Scale Performance

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Summers, R. Scott; Hooper, Stuart; Hong, Seongho; Solarik, Gabriele

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The rapid small-scale column test (RSSCT) has a number of advantages over other methods used to predict or simulate full-scale GAC performance. Depending on the conditions, this method can be conducted in one percent to 15 percent of the time that is required for a pilot column study. Because of the short operation time of this test, more column runs can be conducted in the same time period as compared to a pilot column. The volume of influent water required is normally small enough that an adequate volume of water can be transported to a laboratory, thus eliminating the need for a field study and the associated costs. As compared to the predictive model approach, separate experimental efforts to evaluate the adsorption capacity and kinetics are not required nor is the use of numerical of analytical models. The increased number of runs allows the design parameters, such as GAC type, EBCT and pretreatment options, to be optimized in a relatively short time.

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