AWWA ACE94190 Microbial Problems in Treated Water Storage Tanks

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Smith, Charlotte D.; Burlingame, Gary

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Microbial problems in treated water storage tanks can affect any utility. The most critical aspect of tank operation and enhancement of water quality is to partially drain and refill the tank every day. Operating a tank to keep it nearly full all of the time may result in a top layer which is not well mixed, and in areas without disinfectant. Utilities should take a closer look at their tanks and evaluate the physical and chemical environmental conditions which could stimulate a microbial problem. This may also involve sampling the entire water column from the top to the bottom. The main things to keep in mind are that routine coliform testing does not always reveal a microbiological problem. Determine whether nutrients are available to stimulate growth. It will take extra effort to operate the tanks for water quality as well as pressure and fire flow, but it will be worth it.

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