AWWA ACE94132 The Influence of Aqueous Silica on the Adsorption of Selenium by Activated Alumina

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Batista, Jacimaria R.; Young, James C.

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This research evaluated the removal of selenium (at approximately 2 mg/L concentrations) by activated alumina from a gold mine leachate having a very complex chemical matrix. Similar to "real" water supplies, the leachate contained several anions and cations including 30 mg/L silica. Given that silica concentrations in natural waters range from 1 mg/L - 30 mg/L, the results of this study provide insight into the impacts of aqueous silica on selenium removal from water supplies by activated alumina adsorption. Although there are reports on the removal of aqueous silica by alumina adsorption, to the best of the authors' knowledge, this study constitutes the first report on the hindering of alumina capacity for selenium caused by aqueous silica.

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