AWWA ACE94218 A New Breed of Treatment Plants Meets Today's Challenges

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Chapman, Robert L.

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Innovative and rigorous technology development and application are rapidly replacing conventional treatment processes and "rule-of-thumb" design standards that have served for decades. The "drivers" for this evolution include: Additional and more stringent national water quality standards have evolved from implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act; Increased public attention to the healthfulness and palatability of drinking water, and resultant demand for enhanced water quality; Knowledge gained through significant water quality and treatment research and development, especially that sponsored by the AWWA Research Foundation; The trend towards use of more challenging water resources as a result of drought and population growth; The critical need for cost-saving treatment processes to meet today's funding constraints; and Land and site constraints today more then ever demand compact facilities. This paper highlights recent projects that have or are being implemented which possess innovative technology essential to meet these drivers, often while preserving flexibility to meet future uncertainties. The paper describes projects in Norfolk, Virginia; Portsmouth, Virginia; Chesapeake, Virginia; Reno, Nevada; Massachusetts; and El Paso, Texas.

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