AWWA ACE94086 Protection of a Shallow, Unconfined Aquifer in an Urban Setting

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Warfel, Michael R.; Boatsman, Carolyn

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The City of Renton, Washington, is located on Lake Washington, approximately 11 miles south of Seattle. Most of the city's water production wells are completed at depths of less than 90 feet in the Cedar Valley Aquifer, an unconfined aquifer of coarse sands and gravel. Over 90 percent of the city's water supply is provided by wells completed in this aquifer. Because the prevailing groundwater level is less than 20 feet below the ground surface, the potential for contamination is extremely high. Because of the susceptibility of the aquifer to contamination, the city initiated an aquifer protection program in 1983. This paper describes the aquifer protection program, which is comprised of three major phases: a well field protection study, a well field monitoring study, and ordinance development.

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