AWWA ACE94088 The Use of Temperature as a Ground Water Operational Tool

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Gollnitz, William D.

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The federal government has addressed issues of groundwater contamination through several regulatory programs including the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Wellhead Protection Program, the Surface Water Treatment Rule, and the Ground Water Disinfection Rule. In order for these regulations to be effective, it is beneficial for utilities to have an elemental understanding of the hydrogeology of the groundwater source; that is, how surface water recharges the aquifer and flows to a collection device such as a well, spring, or infiltration gallery. Unfortunately, little may actually be known concerning the flow characteristics for many of our groundwater systems; especially small systems that do not have the resources necessary to make extensive hydrologic investigations of recharge and groundwater flow. Temperature monitoring by operators may help to improve the understanding of the groundwater system. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the benefits of long term surface water and groundwater temperature data collection for wellhead protection, Ground Water Disinfection Rule evaluations, and groundwater disinfection evaluations.

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