AWWA ACE94126 Biodegradation of Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Product Precursors

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Speitel, Gerald E. Jr.; Diehl, Alicia C.

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Biodegradation, especially in conjunction with low to medium ozone doses, is a promising treatment technique. Because of the wide variations in natural waters, some level of testing is prudent prior to implementing a biological treatment step at full scale. As a first step, BDOC-type batch tests can provide information on the maximum possible benefit of biodegradation. In these tests, water is exhaustively biodegraded, so biodegradation kinetics are effectively ignored. On a slightly larger scale, bench scale bioreactor experiments may be performed, if the batch tests appear attractive, to evaluate performance under continuous-flow conditions. This testing will provide information on the effect of kinetics on removal. Finally, pilot-scale tests can be used to evaluate performance under field conditions, including such variables as seasonal variations and impact of backwashing. In both bench and pilot-scale testing, biofilm computer models may be useful in planning experiments, analyzing operating data, and assisting in full-scale design.

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