AWWA ACE94247 Partnering as a Contract Administration Tool for the Construction of the World's Largest EDR Water Treatment Plant

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Eckmann, Douglas H.

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Partnering is a concept in construction administration that is gaining recognition as a management strategy to avoid destructive conflicts and to complete quality projects on schedule. This paper describes the steps taken by the Sarasota County Utilities Department in constructing a 12.0 MGD capacity electrodialysis reversal (EDR) water treatment plant. Partnering did not create additional problems, and unlike traditional risk management techniques, which work by transferring risk to others, none of the participants was disadvantaged by agreeing to partner. There is no question that valuable management time was saved by partnering, time that would have been wasted in useless case building. Even if one takes the extreme position that partnering did no good, none of the participants took on more risk than in traditional construction management. This suggests that participants had a lot to gain and very little to lose by making a commitment to partnering.

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