AWWA ACE94201 Lead Corrosion Control: Comparison of Pipe Loop and Full-Scale Results

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Kelkar, Uday; Hiltebrand, David; Hotaling, Michael; Rogers, Morgan

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As required by the Lead and Copper Rule all large systems had to conduct lead and copper monitoring in the system. If systems did not meet the PQL criteria, then those systems had to conduct corrosion control studies to determine the treatment requirements associated with minimizing the corrosivity of the water. For those systems that did not exceed the action levels, conducting the corrosion control studies has become largely a matter of compliance. For those systems that have exceeded the action level and are now in the midst of their public education program, the required corrosion control studies are of more than academic interest. For many, there is a need to take immediate action to reduce the lead levels at the tap. The City of Richmond's response to this challenge included: a desk top evaluation; full scale treatment changes, coupon monitoring, and resampling of homes with lead service lines; and a pipe loop pilot study program. Based on the results, the full scale changes have successfully reduced the lead concentrations at the tap to below the action level. This indicates that for medium and small systems that have exceeded the action level and have limited resources direct full scale implementation may be feasible with appropriate desk top evaluation.

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