AWWA ACE94203 Bench Scale Immersion Tests for Evaluating Lead and Copper Corrosion

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Medlar, Steven J.; Chalmers, Robert B.

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The objective of bench scale immersion testing is to provide a rapid method for evaluating alternative chemical dosages to control lead and copper corrosion and to approximate the target chemical concentration that will produce the lowest lead and copper levels for a particular water quality. Water from the source, system or individual homes can be tested using immersion. In addition, bench testing can be useful to screen chemical options prior to undertaking loop or system testing. Immersion tests can also indicate if there are significant water quality differences between the water entering the system and the water in residences. Some waters do not react to classic solubility functions and, therefore, preliminary screening even with simple immersion tests are appropriate. The principle behind the immersion test is to suspend a lead or copper coupon in a liter of "conditioned" water, refresh the water periodically and then measure the concentration of lead or copper in the water at the water at the completion of the stagnation period. Although the final concentration of lead and copper are difficult to project from static tests, the relative efficiency of different chemicals and the potential reduction in lead and copper can be estimated. Longer term static testing indicates that, almost from the beginning of the test, the performance of alternative treatment methods tends to have the same relative effectiveness. Six case studies representing a cross-section of the types of waters and geographical areas that have been studied are presented.

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