AWWA ACE94214 Incredible Water Quality Improvement in the River Rhine

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Schalekamp, Maarten

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The International Association of Waterworks on the Rhine (IAWR) became the holding organization of the existing Working Parties on the Rhine, i.e. AWBR, ARW and RIWA. The drinking water supply enterprises have a common enemy, namely the people's enemy "water pollution." The main means of the IAWR to obtain this purpose are: The execution of internationally coordinated investigations about the water quality of the Rhine as well as the interpretation and the publication of the results gained thereof. The condition of the Rhine and of the water in its catchment area has actually improved today. A comparison of the Rhine quality Chart between 1970 and today shows, also for the layman, that the Rhine has improved in almost all important parameters by 50-80%. Only the salt content is an exception. If all experts and authorities of the individual countries observe the 10 theses and comply with their contents, the Rhine will in future become yet better.

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