AWWA ACE95050 The Persistence of the Nitrogen Effect or The Performance of Glass Versus Ceramic Dielectrics With Nitrogen in Ozone Production

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Martin, Peter; Voigt, Karl H.; Sicre, Tony

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This paper presents a summary of the findings of a project to evaluate the effect of nitrogen addition on ozone generator efficiency. The project was conducted in two stages. The first stage was a joint project between the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and Ozonia, with the invaluable assistance of Process Applications, Inc. (PAI). This part of the project was conducted as CCWD's Randall-Bold Water Treatment Plant and entailed injecting a small amount of nitrogen gas into the pure oxygen feed gas prior to introduction of both gases into Ozonia's high concentration, ceramic dielectric ozone generators and then conducting power/production tests. The results of these tests were then compared to power/production test results conducted without nitrogen, all other conditions remaining the same. The second stage of the project, which was conducted in conjunction with the City of Fairfield, was a comparative study of the impact of nitrogen addition on ozone generator performance with glass dielectrics. In this part of the study, the nitrogen generator that is used at CCWD's Randall-Bold WTP was temporarily installed at the City of Fairfield's Waterman WTP. During this time, the impacts of nitrogen feed on ozone concentration were observed.

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