AWWA ACE95053 Effects of Zeta Potential on Flux Recovery in Ultrafiltration

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Fu, Li-Ter; Dempsey, Brian A.

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This paper discusses research on the effects of zeta potential on permeate flux and flux recovery. Results show that permeate flux and flux recovery due to surface washing were strongly affected by zeta potential, these effects after washing are critical for long-term operation. For high ZP, the filter cake was dense and had a high specific resistance to filtration, but was easily removed by low energy surface wash. At low ZP, the researchers found that the cake was more massive and porous and permeate flux remained relatively high, but the initial flux was not easily recovered by surface washes. However, the study revealed that the worst flux decline did not cause the worst irreversible fouling. Using coagulation as a pretreatment for membrane processes provides advantages in the short term. In the long run, reducing the ZP to near zero can cause additional irreversible fouling. The research showed that the best operating condition was to control the zeta potential at 45 to 50 mV and fast wash periodically.

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