AWWA ACE95060 Ozone vs. PEROXONE for Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol Control: Laboratory, Pilot and Modeling Studies

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Huck, P.M.; Anderson, W.B.; Lang, C.L.; Anderson, W.A.; Fraser, J.C.; Jasim, S.Y.; Andrews, S.A.; Pereira, G.

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Post-sedimentation ozone and PEROXONE (hydrogen peroxide and ozone in combination) were compared to powdered activated carbon (PAC) addition for geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) control at a pilot plant in Windsor, Ontario. Under the conditions tested, ozone was as good as or better than PAC, and no advantage was gained by PEROXONE. In addition, this work was complemented with laboratory studies designed to investigate the rates of removal of geosmin and MIB from drinking water with ozone and PEROXONE. The objective was to provide data for a practical kinetic model to predict the rates of removal for different waters and ozone/PEROXONE dosages. The model includes basic water quality parameters such as pH and alkalinity. Initial laboratory results showed a somewhat slower rate of removal than that predicted by the model. A separate reactor model developed to predict removals of geosmin and MIB in pilot and full scale PEROXONE contactors has demonstrated the significant impact which non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) concentration and reactivity has on results.

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