AWWA ACE95068 Membrane Filtration of Pesticides

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Taylor, James S.; Mulford, L.A.; Chen, S.S.; Hofman, J.A.M.

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Pesticides and herbicides are used extensively throughout the world to benefit agricultural production, but they can become major contaminants in drinking water sources. The drinking water research associations of the Netherlands and the United States have sponsored an extensive research project that investigates the mechanisms and capabilities of pesticide and herbicide removal by membrane processes. The European standards for pesticides in drinking water are less than 0.1 ug/L for any one pesticide/herbicide and less than 0.5 ug/L for total pesticides and herbicides in drinking water. This research has summarized the existing literature for pesticide and herbicide removal by membrane processes, is completing membrane cell studies to determine the effect of varying concentrations of inorganic and natural organic matter (NOM) solutes on pesticide and herbicide removal using various membrane films, and will investigate pilot scale studies for pesticide and herbicide removal by membrane processes. The specific pesticides and herbicides investigated are metribuzin, metalaxyl, MCPA, mecoprop, and vinchlozolin. These pesticides and herbicides have been found to be major contaminants in world-wide drinking water supplies. This paper will describe the results of the single cell investigations and relate those results to the specific removal by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane processes.

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