AWWA ACE95196 The Groundwater Guardian Program: Partnerships for Drinking Water Safety

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Seacrest, Susan S.

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The Nebraska-based Groundwater Foundation has developed Groundwater Guardian to promote community-based groundwater protection on a nationwide basis. Groundwater Guardian provides support, recognition and networking opportunities for communities taking proactive, voluntary action to protect groundwater. The Groundwater Guardian Team benefits from the expertise of the water purveyor, and groundwater benefits by having diverse interests actively working towards its protection. The goal of the program is to have thousands of communities working toward effectively managing its toxics, solid waste, nonpoint source pollution, and surface water. In addition, groundwater protection activities help maintain source water quality which, in turn, provides benefits to the local water utility. This paper describes the efforts, goals, and status of the Groundwater Guardian program and identifies several cities that actively participate in the Guardian program.

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