AWWA ACE95230 Utilizing a Computer Based Utility Financial Planning System in a Water and Wastewater Utility

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Asher, Harry E.; Winger, Donald Lee

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Expanding capital requirements, elimination of grant funding, escalating operating costs, and strong customer reaction to rate increases have created an increasingly complex and difficult environment for today's utility manager. The ability to effectively perform financial planning given the myriad of factors that must be considered has made comprehensive financial planning extremely difficult, if not impossible, without the assistance of a computer based financial planning system. The Indian River County Utilities (IRCU) in Vero Beach, Florida, installed an innovative computer based utility financial planning system developed by Applied Business Solutions of Fairfax, Virginia, to meet this need. Utilizing the financial planner, Indian River County Utilities is able to: determine the current financial position of the utility with current rates, operating expenses and debt service; perform a basic cost of service analysis; develop a comprehensive financing plan to cover capital project expenditures; and develop a rate increase plan. This paper describes the development of the computer based financial planning system and the benefits that the IRCU has obtained from using this system.

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