AWWA ACE95025 Future of Water From the Gulf: The Role of Desalting in the Future of Water Supply in the Tampa Bay Area

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Farrell, Mark D.

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In response to a mounting concern for increased water demands in the face of regional environmental degradation form overdrafting the hydrologic system, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) initiated a very aggressive program to evaluate and take action to address the various water management concerns. As the process evolved, the investigations pointed toward many problems that would have to be resolved to meet District rules and Florida Statutes as they pertain specifically to adverse environmental impacts. The future needs for water in the Tampa Bay area will steadily increase with time and environmentally compatible solutions must be found to meet the needs for sustainable growth. The expedited development of alternative water supplies is critical to solving the water supply issues in Tampa Bay. It is the District's position that seawater desalination holds great potential to meet the current and future needs for Tampa Bay when all issues are given full consideration. This paper presents an overview of the City of Tampa's planning and efforts to move toward using desalination as a water supply alternative to sustain continued population growth.

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