AWWA ACE95193 Wastewater as a Source of Drinking Water...Is the Public Ready?

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Tennyson, Patricia; Katz, Sara M.

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This paper presents the City of San Diego's process to develop a reclaimed water program and the public education and information that went along with the planning. The San Diego County Water Authority and the City of San Diego questioned over 300 residents by phone to determine what their attitudes were on using recycled wastewater to supplement the drinking water supplies. Using three different word combinations (reclaimed, recycled, or repurified), the residents were asked how they felt about various water recycling options. Repurified water received the most support. The Authority and the City submitted their water repurification project proposal to the Independent Advisory Panel (IAP) for further review. A citizens review committee composed of representatives of a broad range of community, environmental, medical, business, biotech, and recreational groups was convened to review the project in detail. Both the IAP and the Repurified Water Review Committee (RWRC) accepted the plan. Several other organizations wanted to know how they could help increase public education. Clearly, by gaining public support early on in the decision making process, the entire project went much smoother and was a more effective project. The City has even implemented a project information line that is available 24 hours a day for callers to record their comments and ask questions about the project. The public appears to be ready to accept repurified water as a supplementary source of drinking water, and to support efforts by the Authority and City to ensure that the county has a highly reliable water supply now and in the future.

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