AWWA ACE95180 The Executive Partnership for Environmental Resources Training: Bridging Human and Water Resources

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Watkins, Keith A.; Williams, Kourt D.

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Should the environment or people have priority over water resources? Who makes those decisions, and in the process, how do our communities (including minority and low-income communities) get involved in the decision making process? One way is by directly involving people through training and employment. In a collaborative effort, the Executive Partnership for Environmental Resources Training (ExPERT) is creating a "people pipeline" from communities to the water industry. The arid west and other areas across the nation struggle with water issues. Multiple-benefit solutions guided by long term thinking are required. There is a great need to prepare people from a cross section of our communities to take on the challenges of solving water problems. Creative solutions come from many places, not only from the minds of a few. This paper describes how the American Water Works Association (AWWA) can build on its own successes and partner with ExPERT to develop those solutions and to put people to work in the process. The mission and goals of the ExPERT program are explained and the details about administration and initial training are provided.

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