AWWA ACE95181 Practical Application of Performance Benchmarking

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

LaChance, Peter A.

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Organizations seeking to embrace performance benchmarking need to understand both its quantitative, performance measurement aspects (metrics) as well as its qualitative (process) aspects. In regard to metrics, benchmarking entails gathering measurable and reliable data from others, relevant to the process for which improvement is sought. The process aspect of benchmarking begins with detailed mapping, using flowcharts, of an organization's process as it exists today. When the resulting process map is compared against detailed process map(s) of one or more best practice benchmarking partner(s) (organizations whose performance in such processes is superior), then a gap analysis determines what improvements need to be made in order to achieve a quantum leap in performance. This paper describes the application of benchmarking and provides several guidelines for conducting performance benchmarking, including: participatory approaches; wise time management; monitoring improvement; and partnerships.

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