AWWA ACE95186 Comparison Between Pilot Study Corrosion Inhibitor Screening Tests and Actual Field Applications Using the ONGUARD Correlator Analyzer

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Downing, Sherri; Woodruff, Ronald; Short, Lynn; Welch, Ted

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There is growing concern with the amount of lead and copper found in public drinking water systems. Current USEPA action levels for lead and copper are 0.015 mg/L and 1.3 mg/L, respectively. Concurrently, large systems serving greater than 50,000 people must also demonstrate optimal corrosion control treatment. In addition, optimal corrosion control must be demonstrated by all small and medium systems exceeding lead or copper action levels. Selection of a corrosion control treatment program depends on certain water quality parameters. Every system must choose and optimize based on its own particular water. In addition, water source is another key factor in the selection, as groundwater systems run intermittently based on water demand. The ONGUARD correlator analyzer and its predecessor, the P-U-L-S-E(tm) analyzer, were used on three water systems, two surface waters and one groundwater system, to help demonstrate and screen the best corrosion control treatment alternative for that particular plant. Pilot studies were conducted in which baseline data and alternatives were evaluated. Two plants (sites 1 and 3) subsequently purchased the corrosion inhibitor showing the best screening results and evaluated it on a full scale. The third plant (site 2) plans to use the ONGUARD correlator analyzer for full scale evaluation in the future. Full scale application of the program selected at site 1 duplicated pilot study work. Full scale application of the program selected at site 3 using the P-U-L-S-E analyzer for initial evaluation duplicated pilot work. This site is now using the ONGUARD correlator analyzer. Both sites 1 and 3 continue to use the ONGUARD correlator analyzer to analyze crucial data, allowing for continuous adjustments and optimal feeding of corrosion control inhibitors. Thus, the ONGUARD correlator analyzer is a good tool for selecting optimal treatment programs and maintaining those programs into the future.

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