AWWA MTC95026 Membrane Process Application in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Alabdula'aly, Abdulrahman I.

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a population of 16 million and a surface area of 2.25 M km2 (roughly 1/4 the United States), has neither lakes nor flowing rivers. Its average annual rainfall is less than 102 mm (4 in), except for the southwestern mountains where it may reach an average of 305 mm (12 in). The Saudi water supply depends on 4 major sources: surface, ground, and desalinated water as well as reclaimed wastewater. In 1985, these sources supplied a total of 8.83 billion m3 (B m3) of water with a distribution of 10, 84, 5, and 1% respectively. In 1992, the Kingdom consumed a total volume of about 13 B m3 of water and is expected to reach a total consumption volume of 16.5 and 20 B m3 by the year 2000 and 2010, respectively. Eighty percent of the water is being used for agriculture and irrigation purposes and 20% is for domestic, industrial and other purposes. This paper discusses groundwater treatment in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia. A description of the major water treatment plants of the region is presented along with major problems associated with their operation. A section on reverse osmosis and electrodialysis plant performance is also included.

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