AWWA CSC95023 The Application of a Calibrated Water Quality Model in a System Wide Disinfection Study

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Welker, Roland; Sakamoto, Ken; LeFebvre, William; Hanna, Youssef

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Knowledge of the quality of drinking water reaching consumers is becoming increasingly important. Levels of treatment and residual disinfectant, the quality of blended or mixed waters and the likely spread of contaminants across a distribution system are all of interest to operations, design, scientific staff and management. A relatively new tool in understanding system water quality is water quality modeling of the distribution system. Water quality modeling was an important element in a system-wide disinfection study for a large regional municipality in Canada. The purpose of this study was to examine the current hydraulic, water quality and treatment practices and recommend a suitable system-wide disinfection strategy based on modeling, prediction, system integration and development that would take the region well into the next two decades.

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