AWWA CSC95036 Use of Portable Pen-Based Computers to Implement an Automated Work Order System

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Tenner, Steven M.; LaChance, Richard A.

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The South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority (the Authority), New Haven, Connecticut, recognized the need to improve its productivity by utilizing information from an Enhanced Work Force Management System during 1991. It was the opinion of theAuthority that more accurate time card information collected in the field, through the use of pen computers, would be the best data collection vehicle for Work Force Management. At the same time, theAuthority recognized the need to replace its existing Work Force Management System with a more flexible system of tracking field work information. A consultant was hired to perform a needs analysis and observed both office and field personnel for a period of time and then reviewed all of the documents and forms that were distributed between interacting departments. The analysis pointed out the currentAuthority work flows and data capture processes. It also defined the user needs for the better Work Force Management System. The analysis recommended that the Authority purchase hardware and software from a single vendor who would develop the system at their headquarters and for existing minicomputer software to be maintained by in-house Information Systems staff.

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