Full Description
This standard covers the materials and application of tape coating systems in coating plants at fixed sites, using coating techniques and equipment as recommended by the tape coating manufacturer. For normal construction considerations, prefabricated, polyolefin tapes are applied as a three-layer system consisting of: liquid adhesive; corrosion-preventive tape (inner layer); and mechanical-protective tape (outer layer). This standard establishes the minimum requirements for tape coating systems used on the exterior of steel water pipelines in the potable-water supply industry. Continuous monitoring of all application procedures for the tape coating systems shall be done by the constructor. All AWWA pipe coating standards are intended for potable-water service. Therefore, the maximum service temperature of this coating is based on the maximum service temperature of potable water. These coating systems will perform at higher temperatures. This standard does not cover the additional materials and procedures that may be required for difficult conditions, such as those encountered in rocky areas and in construction of underwater lines, casing pipe, and river crossings outside the scope of AWWA C214. The purpose of this standard is to provide purchasers, manufacturers, and constructors with the minimum performance requirements for tape coating systems for the exterior of steel water pipelines, including system components, application, inspection, testing, and marking and packaging requirements. The major revisions in this edition of ANSI/AWWA C214-95 include the following: the format has been changed to AWWA standard style; the definitions of parties (Sec. 3) have been revised to approved wording; in the foreword, Sec. III.A., Purchaser Options and Alternatives, the following has been added: No. 24, Nonpolyolefinic material determination (Tables 2 and 3, Sec., and Sec.; in Table 4, "penetration resistance" has been changed to "penetration/deformation resistance"; the word "primer" has been changed to "liquid adhesive" throughout the standard; the addendum to this standard, approved June 23, 1991, has been inserted into the appropriate sections; reference ASTM D-12-78 has been changed to ASTM D4218; in Sec., Weld seam cover, new procedures are listed that must be followed for the coating of spiral welded pipe seams; and, provisions for use of a hard rubber roller were added (Sec.