AWWA ACE95159 Partnering for the Construction of the Haworth Treatment Plant Maintenance Facility

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Glozzy, James A.; Hensch, Richard A.

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(price reduced by 56 %)

Full Description

The purpose of this project was to provide facilities for maintenance and patrol force personnel, many of which were relocated from the existing facilities at New Milford plant site. The site was scheduled for abandonment and disposition to Bergen County for park land in December, 1993. The site chosen for the new maintenance facility was a location within the Haworth Water Treatment Facility. Partnering was used in the planning, design, and construction of the facility and involved assembling a team of personnel from the Company, an architect, an engineer, and a construction manager. The mission of this group was to deliver a high quality project from the design stage through the final construction. The partnering team was assembled in March, 1992, the final conceptual plan was adopted in the fall of 1992, and construction was completed by early December, 1993. Final work included renovation of the existing building, construction of two additions to this building including a concrete loading dock, and construction of a new parking area, roadway and walkway. Total cost of this project, including design, construction, and legal costs, was $1.68 million dollars.

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