AWWA ACE95161 "We Commit..." A Presentation of the Partnering Approach to Project Management of the Tri-County Water Supply Project

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Schmitt, Steven P.; Radwanski, Edward; Saldutti, Anthony; Gadzinski, Norman

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Partnering is a current day management approach which offers that the way in which we view a problem, is the problem. A term of pantheon proportions, it has become synonymous with everything good (or synergistic) and antidotal to all things adversarial. This paper is not intended to define the partnering process. "How To..." literature is abundant and workshops, training manuals and other education programs seem to be effectively preparing the industry. Additionally, the volume of practitioners, wide range of formal training, and geographic preferences have resulted in numerous "prototypes" with varying levels of commitment. Exacerbating the tendency for altering forms of partnering is the existence of situational factors that mitigate or amplify the intended effects. The intent of this paper is not to sort and evaluate the many alternates but to focus on one particular application: Planning the Tri-County Water Supply Project. New Jersey American Water Company (NJAWC) had the foresight to recognize that the traditional management/delivery system would not facilitate the aggressive schedule needed to honor their commitments to the State of New Jersey. The following is a descriptive accounting of the Tri-County partnering experience which combined the partnering program with a unique construction contract to produce an experience valuable not only to participants but to the construction management industry as well.

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