AWWA ACE95137 Transient Analysis Considerations for a Raw Water Transmission System

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Middleton, Michael L.; Husselbee, Bruce; Fortin, Peter

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This paper summarizes the transient flow analysis conducted for the City of Norfolk Western Branch Pump Station No. 2 project. The analysis consisted of evaluating three separate raw water delivery systems affected by the planned operation of the proposed pump station. The systems convey raw water for the cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, with proposed connections to the cities of Suffolk and Chesapeake, Virginia. The City of Norfolk's Western Branch Reservoir raw water delivery system is presently being expanded in capacity to take full advantage of the existing transmission pipelines hydraulic capabilities. This increase in capacity will require that the hydraulic grade lines for the City's four main raw water transmission pipelines be raised, approaching the pressure ratings of several segments of the existing pipelines. Due to the planned increase in pipeline operating pressures, pressure surges must be minimized to prevent damage to the existing pipeline materials. As a result, analysis of the surge protection requirements for each of the transmission pipelines was conducted to reduce the risk of pipeline failure. The computer software utilized for this surge analysis is SURGE5. SURGE5 uses a wave plan approach to solve the basic equations of fluid mechanic relative to transient flow of an incompressible fluid in a pipe network.

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