AWWA ACE95139 Conversion From Gravity to Pressurized Flow: The 60 MGD Puddletown Booster Station

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Bunsey, James D.; Casias, Joseph A.; Ayotte, Frank

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During prolonged dry periods, the level in the Nepaug reservoir cannot be maintained due to hydraulic limitations of the gravity flow 48 inch pipeline. Therefore, the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) had planned to construct an additional gravity flow pipeline to augment the existing 48 inch line. However, due to the large construction costs associated with this project, MDC began to investigate other alternatives. Upon analyzing potential solutions, one promising alternative warranted indepth investigations. This alternative would allow the gravity flow regime to be maintained during normal demand and rainfall periods, and a new pumping station could provide additional capacity during high demand and low rainfall periods. This paper describes the elements of the MDC hydraulic evaluation (model selection and development), calibration, hydraulic criteria, system curves, and pipeline pressure rating. To better quantify the likely operating transient pressures, a computerized transient analysis was completed using the Surge 4 proprietary software developed by the University of Kentucky. This analysis evaluated: normal startup, normal shutdown, and emergency shutdown. Several design considerations (mechanical, visual aesthetics, noise control, and system control) were considered during the analysis. Furthermore, system startup procedures were examined. The paper concludes with several reasons for the successful research and the cost-effectiveness of the pumping station alternative.

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