AWWA ACE95144 The Never Ending Leakage Audit--Using Continuous System Monitoring to Target Work for Leakage Detection Teams

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Whittaker, Andrew R.; Arscott, Arthur W.

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South West Water Services Limited have adopted a system of extensive monitoring of the distribution system to allow ongoing tracking of leakage levels. The system uses over 3,500 meters at strategic locations across the distribution system. By using a combination of telemetry links and field data logging, the changing pattern of leakage across the utility can be obtained. The results are reviewed daily and are used to direct leakage detection teams to the areas of highest known leakage. This maximizes the use of skilled resources, avoiding wasting time with listening surveys in areas which show little change in leakage levels. It also allows the effect of the ongoing pressure reduction exercise, using programmable flow modulated pressure reduction valves, to be evaluated. Other benefits include lower costs than an alternative program of systemic sounding across the distribution system; lower levels of leakage; better overall system control; automatic production of leakage levels; and accurate information on the performance of flow modulated pressure reduction.

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