AWWA ACE95263 Metlakatla Water Treatment Plant: Simple Solutions for Small Systems

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Benjamin, Lawrence; Green, Ronald; Hargrave, William; Bronsro, Allan

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Within the constraints of a small, remote north coast community, the objectives of this project were to: find a simple treatment process to address microbiological contamination such as giardia, disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes, lead contamination resulting from the corrosion of lead solder used in household plumbing, and product water meeting the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality; and design a full-scale treatment plant to demonstrate the effectiveness of the process and serve as a training center for other communities building similar water treatment plants. This presented a challenge for several reasons. First, north coast communities are generally only accessible by boat or float plane. Second, they often lack trained people to look after operation and maintenance because they are small (100-2,000 pop.). Consequently any treatment facilities should be simple, reliable, and economical to operate and maintain. The Village of Metlakatla, 7 km east of Prince Rupert, was selected as the location for the water treatment plant since it is one of the smallest north coast communities (pop. 135). The short distance and easy accessibility by ferry from Prince Rupert also makes Metlakatla an ideal location for a training center for other north coast communities building similar plants. The engineering for this project was carried out in two phases. The first phase involved research and development into simple effective methods of treating north coast surface waters. The second phase involved the design of a full scale plant to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment process selected.

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