AWWA ACE95251 Bench-Scale Evaluation of the Effects of Seasonal Change on TOC Removal by Enhanced Coagulation

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Cheng, Robert C.; Yates, Richard S.; Krasner, Stuart W.; Liang, Sun

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The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) has been conducting evaluation on California State project water (SPW), Colorado River water (CRW), and various blends of the two waters in order to: simulate the testing that will be required if Metropolitan applies for alternative performance criteria under step 2; and evaluate the effects of seasonal changes in water quality on TOC removal characteristics. In addition, these data were used to evaluate the best means of determining the point of diminishing returns; the data were analyzed by the "point-to-point" and curvefitting methods (using three curvefitting equations for the waters tested). The overall results indicated that seasonal water quality changes do affect a water's amenability to treatment by enhanced coagulation; the specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) provided an indication of the treatability of the blends tested; the point-to-point and curvefitting methods yielded different conclusions as to whether the water blend was amenable to enhanced coagulation; and although no one equation universally fit all the data collected, the third-order polynomial equation resulted in a better statistical fit to more data sets than the other equations examined, whereas the isopleth equation yielded curves with more consistent percentages of TOC removal at the point of diminishing returns when compared to the point-to-point method.

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