AWWA CSC95028 Making the Case for the GIS Hydraulic Modeling Tool

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995

Guihan, Matthew T.; Irias, Xavier J.; Swain, Colleen; Dustman,Patricia E.

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East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), a public utility headquartered in Oakland, California, has begun development of a Geographic Information System (GIS)--based water distribution system hydraulic modeling tool. The modeling tool will be developed by integrating common analysis software with data sources residing on a variety of platforms, accessed through an easy to use graphical interface. When completed, the hydraulic modeling tool will enable users to create subarea models of the water distribution system's facilities to simulate its operational characteristics and thus satisfy the following basic objectives: efficient distribution system upgrades; efficient and timely planning of new water service extensions; reliable distribution system intelligence gathering; expedited regulatory compliance; simulated emergency and response options; and efficient water system operation without compromising serve reliability. The authors intend that this paper offer guidance to organizations considering a project of similar scope and complexity. To provide an appropriate context to the paper's findings, the authors have concentrated on describing the factors which influence the organization and management of the modeling tool development process: the large scale and complexity of the District's water distribution system, the diverse sources of data which the modeling tool must access, the variety of constituent users of the modeling tool and the benefits of the project anticipated or already realized.

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