AWWA C901-96

AWWA C901-96 Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing, 1/2 In. through 3 In., for Water Service

standard by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1996

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Full Description

This standard covers polyethylene (PE) pressure pipe and tubing made from material having standard PE code designations PE 2406, PE 3406, and PE 3408 and primarily intended for use in the transportation of water and other liquids. Polyethylene pipe ranges in nominal size from < in. (13 mm) through 3 in. (76 mm) and conforms to the outside diameter dimensions of iron pipe sizes (OD-based, IPS pipe) or to the inside diameter dimensions of iron pipe sizes (ID-based, IPS pipe). Polyethylene tubing ranges in size from < in. (13 mm) through 2 in. (51 mm) and conforms to the outside diameter dimensions of copper tubing. Included in this standard are criteria for classifying PE plastic pipe materials, a system for nomenclature for PE plastic pipe, and requirements and test methods for materials, pipe, and tubing. Methods of marking are given. Design, installation, and application considerations are discussed in the forward to this standard. Major revisions to this edition of ANSI/AWWA C901-96 include the following: the format has been changed to AWWA standard style; the acceptance clause (Sec. I.C) has been revised to approved wording; the former appendix A on guideline criteria for design and installation of the PE pipe covered by this standard has been moved to the forward; Section 4.3.3, formerly Sec. 2.2.3, and Table 8 have been modified with new conditions for the elevated temperature, hydrostatic pressure test; Section 4.3.5 has been modified to specify the location on pipe where specimens for the thermal stability tests are to be taken; Section 4.2, Materials, has been expanded to allow use of suitably stabilized, nonblack polyethylene resins; Tables 4 and 5 have been expanded to include dimensions and tolerances for DR 9 pipe.

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