AWWA C708-96

AWWA C708-96 Cold-Water Meters - Multijet Type (includes addendum C708a-98)

standard by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1996

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This standard covers the various types and classes of cold water, multijet meters in sizes 5/8 in. (16 mm) through 2 in. (50 mm) for water utilities' customer service and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. These meters register by recording the revolutions of a rotor set in motion by the force of flowing water striking the blades. Section 1 discusses scope, purpose and application. Sections 2 and 3 list references and definitions. Section 4 discusses requirements including materials, general design, and detailed design. Section 5 discusses basis for rejection. Section 6 discusses delivery including marking, packaging and shipping, and affidavit of compliance. Appendix A includes units of measure, tests, testing equipment, registration accuracy, periodic tests, meter storage, and installation. The major revisions to this edition of ANSI/AWWA C708-96 include the following: the format has been changed to AWWA standard style; the acceptance clause (Sec. I.C) has been revised to approved wording; the references section has been updated (Sec. 2); the safe maximum operating capacity, the recommended maximum rate for continuous duty, and the normal test flow limits for 2 in. (50 mm) meters have been increased in Table 1, Operating Characteristics; the rejection section has been revised (Sec. 5.1); a requirement for the placement of the meter serial number on the meter case has been added (Sec. 6.1); and, Appendix B, Future Revisions, has been deleted.

This addendum to ANSI/AWWA C708-96: Standard for Cold-Water Meters--Multijet Type revises Page 6, Section 4.2.6.

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