AWWA C703-96

AWWA C703-96 Cold-Water Meters-Fire Service Type

standard by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1996

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This standard covers the various types and classes of cold water fire service type meters in sizes 3 in. (75 mm) through 10 in. (250 mm) and the materials and workmanship used in their fabrication. Section 1 discusses scope, purpose and application. Sections 2 and 3 list references and definitions. Section 4 discusses requirements, including materials, general design, and detailed design. Section 5 details rejection. Section 6 discusses delivery, including markings, packaging and shipping, and affidavit of compliance. Appendix A includes units of measurement, register types, tests, testing equipment, registration accuracy, periodic tests, meter storage, and installation. The major revisions in this edition of ANSI/AWWA C703-96 include the following: ASTM standards have been added to the references (Sec. 2). It is recognized in the materials section (Sec. 2) of this standard that advances have been made in the development of nonmetallic materials for water meter construction. Plastic materials are currently being successfully used for meter components. The development of new and improved materials is ongoing, thus, this standard will not require any one specific material, but will cite examples of material defined by ASTM specifications and typically used in construction of water meters. The materials section has been modified to recognize these advances. The reference to unsealed or unprotected lead for valve weights has been deleted from Sec. 4.1.10, Automatic Valves, to comply with the latest USEPA rulings on lead in contact with potable water. The scope (Sec. 1.1) has been expanded to include a turbine (Class II) mainline meter with strainer and bypass as a type of fire service meter. In Sec. 4.1.2, Main Casings, fabricated steel has been added as a material with which main cases can be made. Table 1, Operating Characteristics, has been revised to reflect manufacturer advances and has been expanded to include short-term deluge maximum flow, flow spread at changeover flow, and accuracy information. Table 1 has also been expanded to include the operating characteristics of the turbine mainline meter with strainer and bypass type of fire service meter. A separate Table 1M, Operating Characteristics with metric equivalents, has been added. A new Table 5, Register Characteristics, was added and includes mainline register information that was formerly listed in Table 1. Table 3 (formerly of ANSI/AWWA C703-86) has been deleted and included in the expanded Table 1. In Sec. 4.2.4, Pressure Requirement, the maximum working pressure has been raised from 150 psi (1,030 kPa) to 175 psi (1,200 kPa). A section has been added to appendix A stating AWWA's position on grounding of electrical systems to pipe systems conveying drinking water to customers' premises. The workmanship and materials section has been deleted (Sec. 1.4.2). The format has been changed to AWWA standard style. The acceptance clause (Sec. I.C) has been added and the definitions (Sec. 3) have been revised to approved wording.

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