AWWA QTC97031 Coliform Testing for ICR Virus Monitoring Exemption

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1997

Elmund, G. Keith; Allen, Martin J.

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Communities with populations of over 100,000 have been planning for over a year to comply with the Information Collection Rule (ICR) but the cost of this compliance will be high. The ICR does, however, allow for an exemption from virus monitoring where a utility can demonstrate low source water total coliform, fecal coliform or E. coli counts. In an attempt to reduce ICR costs, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, with a population of just over 100,000, collected data five days each week for over a year on both of the city's raw water sources using the IDEXX QuantiTray(TM) technique. Using the E. coli data to demonstrate high source water quality, the city was able to qualify for an exemption from virus monitoring and thereby save its customers approximately $36,000 in contract laboratory costs.

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